. Please do not get me wrong, personally I do not like Amway, Quixtar however I like Mary Kay. Your doing a great job. You sell companies that will bug your clients to convince them to convert to cash value which is not good for them. But a salary cost the company money. Companies needing to be bailed out. If PFS agent takes any information and do their due dillegence and deside to go another route, blame that on being a U.S. citizen. I was not restricted to only sell or repair one brand. Theres no twisting going on. Well industry wide only about 2-3% of Term policys go to claim, but peope have 100% of dying. Wrong. It seemed to me at the time that after I sold mutual funds to all of my friends and aquaintences, I was pretty much out of leads. Does that mean you will steal from your client, any chance you can? Well If he is going to ignore me then I guess he will not respond to my challenge, Like the coward he is. I am not naive to think that they are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts (public companies that large typically have one thing on their minds: putting money in the shareholders pockets). As for LTD, policies outside work cost considerable more and do not cover as much. Again you must know your products and explain them to your clients. Your job issues DI??? A person may not be into the sales part, well then theres the business side that may look better. If you wouldve listened right, you wouldve known that all Primerica offices are against recruit to sell. First May Kay is Cosmetics. How about accuracy in something you write or say? I am not sure but then again, most PFSersm are part time and make more money part-time. To be honest, Primerica as a whole and under the right training really does put the consumer first. What you sell is sesame street economics to people that really have had no exposure to the industry. Nothing is in stone until we see the contract. Which would be better for my customers, one brand or many bands to choose from to meet my clients needs? Or what do you say the widow or their children. We have the same rules that Primerica has about poaching. Ranked #9 ReliaStar Life Insurance Company (ING)395.94 a month , Thanks for fixing the Disability issue with your amazong job! What about health insurance again .. try to sell it and you will be fired (by the way does it make sense that you can be fired from your own business?). My Agent came over when I needed help on my 401k. And there have been recient rumors about us getting our own ticker and not being with Citi anymore and its very true. For an example, if I only sold Goodman, I would have to say no. Something to think about is no matter the insurance comapny something is being paid for some where. And since they made 544 million dollars in net profit last year, that is good. I doubt you are more than an agent who has lost one of many confrontations with a Primerica agent. To be completely honest your current situation sounds much better (full production credit (100%) and 100% up-front commission). 4. Most of the agents I talk to in my business, love being captive. . None on the State Board. These long and twisted arguments by both side are hard to sort out. As fro green people, who is easier to train, someone with limited knowledge, or someone with preconcieved knowledge, or training. I promise you, he wont respond with numbers. But dont worry recruit some new people, call on their family and friends and keep that money. They come to you during your time of need. These companies then call them up and say convert. , 2) Primericas in only about $300 a year, BUT. It is not a requirement to make a high income. The list is endless. Im supposed to get my trainer guy in front of 6 families and let him do the talking blah blah. I am not making numbers up. If I place the client with the right carrier and concentrate on providing a solution to a need its not an issue. Main example is this: Ive replaced whole life products for a family where their ACTUAL BROTHER was the insurance guy that sold them their expensive/retirement stealing insurance policy.moved them over to TERM INSURANCE which was cheaper for them and yes, the difference saved and other monies they had was invested according to their risk tolerances in proper investment vehicles. Would you rather make an educated decision or an emotional decision? That comes from my former PFS training.. Oh one more thing. I get to see him every 18 months. I began my research simply because I knew someone (whether it was PFS or the rents) didnt have the truth but I was gonna get it in my own time. ************************************************, Tom says: The only time you have to go fulltime is when you go to RVP. I am talking about the one you traded in 40 plus years earlier. mayb because he wants to have all the labor done for him? Crusades were not found CHEAPLY! Still doubt? Since you sell products that are not good for the client you are doing that already. . The freedom to choose my carriers with out a fear of having my contact cancelled. Again, Since you are not an Agent of Primerica, why should I even think you have the correct information? You never would compare a Yugo to a BMW. Thats not the issue. Just like in eating good you need help, in your finances you need help. You decide. Truth be told it is definitely not for everyone, but if it is a fit for YOU and your situationno one can assess that but YOU. If the War went differently, it might be looked at differently. If they can make $1000 extra month, how long will it take to do that at minimum wage, or a little better. Plus all the benefits of opening a business, with its write offs. So please quit today. Now if you give them Value, then you ahve something. Maybe you arent that busy because you are a nasty person. . Remember before you answer your an independent contractor with PFS, not an employee. So my coverage has grown and my monthly cost haas gone down. One of the salesperson said it was stupid to have term, and Cash Value is the only way to go. (This is where they sell a product cheaper so that they can harass you into converting. Or do not beleive that Life Insurance is for Income replacement, and not using to go to Disneyland? The $99 fee covers your Life insurance class, books, etc. Give me your number and I will sell you some ocean front property in Arizona for a great price. I found out many people are losing money in their investment programs and it may take years to recover. Oh by the way, this is the James that posted on July 26, 2008 James @ 9:25 pm for the first time. Do you buy car insurance to want to use it? You follow someone else, or copies it, and this allows you not to make the same mistakes they did. Ask Chris Gardener. For example, One thing. I am a client with more knowledge than some ex-agents and people who think they know more because they were approached. . Again, When a man who is honestly mistaken learns the truth He will either cease being mistaken, OR cease telling the truth. The Primerica Concert series of funds, especially Growth, are crazy good. And who it is good for. 5. It is the same as an independent as it is at PFS. ANd you ahve lied. . SM. It costs more. They get paid to make sales. God our creator gives us a chance to strive not to remain ignorant. Its easy. Has followed ethical decisions. When someone response to your resume on careerbuilder they are looking to add a piece to the puzzle to better the business, same here. I can see only a win for the agent. Here you are wrong. Primerica would not allow a site to just post rate information. What does PFS offer when it comes to the TIR or ADB compaired to the other companies? Not all policies offer the same time period for conversion to take place, and not all give you access to the same types of whole life. In fact, I have stated that I have never sold nor, nor has anyone in my agency (I have 35 life-licensed reps). I bet his clients do not know this is his philosophy. This is what all the agents that sold Cash value to the Middle American families. Most companies wont even talk to these guys unless the client comes in themselves, or they have a lump sum of cash to invest. wow. I am not here to train you only explain to you why. Selling them policies they knew where bad, but laughing all the way to the bank. I am sorry but both of you have spelling issues along with not truly understanding Primerica. Page Perrys attorneys are actively involved in representing institutional and individual investors in auction-rate securities cases. They sell Cash value, and they have a history or contacting clients and trying to convert them to cash value. Being ignorant of how finances work, or not having at least a basic understanding of what youre doing with your money, is just asking for loss of money or even trouble in the future. NOt any company that suceeds. Again your word, But Primerica has not had 2 quarters of losses. Your licenses. 7. Here is something that I read a couple years ago. He has a knack of twisting the facts. If you leave Primerica you do not get to keep your own downline, you can not contact the clients that you sold policies to and to be sucessful you must recriut. I can show every lie you post here. -. But here are those questions that will check your honesty. Atleast, when the author of this initial review claims a disclaimer of not completely knowing whats going onhes honest there but he should completely put that first and in BOLD PRINT. Those licenses DO NOT LIE. I am making money on it. To make this comparision is showing how desperate you are. The agent was removed by The State Insuracne Department, and the company he was trying to represent was fined a lot of money. So the Insuracne companies get to keep the extra. Now, Im border line ranting ,so Ill wrap this up. Ive analyzed this company from every angle and sure its not perfect but compared to ALL other part-time opportunities out there this cant be beaten. So I was just there to investigate and at the end of the night I handed the check over and was so excited. 30 years old. I mean if it keeps doing that it may go the way of the 50% of the companies that were in business when Primerica started in 1977. If you are happy with PFS, I am happy for you. Is it easy work? -. You are the one who does not get it. This is a small part of their business, unlike you who are their competition, it is the only thing you have. I challenge you to prove your post. He had to pay an extra $700-900 to be cremated. And has been around a little longer than the last couple months. My focus is in the mission and not the commission. They are there to make sure that the family is not destroyed. If they have money to invest maybe a ROP is not for them. the new program something you might not understand includes Securities, Mortgage and Auto and Home *(Referrals). Actually, I hear all the time in this business how $100K is the starting point. Michael does not even use his true name. They are worthless. And since it seems that you are not learning, I need to stop throwing pearls before the swine. I cannot apologize for him by I can apologize for me for getting off track. Since you are doing that with your clients, one can only hope you are a decent a.c. repair person. This whole thing can be broken down much more, but it would be a long post. Privacy There is a difference between LTD from an employer and an individual policy. FDIC is an insuracne that you have that you give up your rights to sue the bank for you money. You have a yearly expense of office space, postage, overnight delivery, insurance for office, insurance for E and O, and lawyers if you get sued. And the only point Ive argued you on, BTW. higher ratings -. They pay agents to sell products. That is the only reason why you are here. Third, you need support. The contract levels depend upon the amount of business the producer does and the size of the agency. The contract rate dictates the percentage earn But remember you are basing your ability to sell, on price. It is apparent you take the easy sleazy way out. Why only protect income in death when disability is 7X more likely than death? Does your company hire your clients who are hurting across the kitchen table? Who would like to have a sales force that cost them nothing to equip, cost them no medical or insurance cost, no benefits cost, no office rents, just paying the commissions. That is a value. But since I do not get any service that is all I use. The opposite of trying to succeed is staying complacent. We get out there and do things that most people wont. Feelings are real but not necessarily true, Facts really finishes all debates. I guess not, since you thought that Primerica can only do certain funds. How many Financial advisers would keep thier job if they suggested that. So its not as easy as they make it seem in an opportunity meeting. Let me just say I myself didnt really see or understand the system while at Primerica. If you fail to remember Travelers had cash Value products also. Everyone here knows we do many more products. I mean ARM are known by those that read Business Week and Wall Street Journal as TOXIC Mortgages. Coke vs Pepsi test. But then 544 million dollars after all expenses is nice amount for a company doing in a recession. Also why is it ok for Primerica to consider saving people money on their Home/Auto, but not on Life. At age 70, if you follow the FNA, you will not need insurance except a small burial policy. . Correct your downlines that can cause you trouble. Metlife is the one that we do write for, and so that you know they wanted the sales staff of Primerica. can get outside PFS for genworth LTC. I am not sure what company you work for but I know Allstate does nto do that. Thanks for contributing so much info about it it sounds like it is working well for you and you brought up a few things I didnt know. You call ROP bad only because you cant sell it (I am sure if you had it youd be singing another song). You need to go read and understand your craft more. DId you figure out what is a better way yet? Let me ask you why should I have to say no thank you? FYI: I mentioned AIGs new 35-year level, guaranteed term (with higher ratings than PFS). Unless you work undersomeone then you are really not independent. I think I have even seen a policy that stated 6 monthsYet dont quote me on that. On the other hand it may not be for you or you may not be the right fit for Primerica im not afraid to try. If you need me to feed you ego, TOM YOU WIN! They have no way of making you accountable for your words. They cannot offer anything other than what they sell which means they often have to place clients in a box. Did you know that even the commissionaires of the state insurance departments, have said that Cash value is a waste? American National Insurance Company As for weekly trainings if all you are concerned with is one term policy how much trainng is required? Again, I have said they get it if they follow the program for $99. Or how about teh value you get for the 99 dollars? I know for a fact that the competitor of the company I work at on a full time basis pays its employees higher. If you said anything like this to me across the table I would run you out on a rail. How do you do the buy term and invest the difference? Both of your companies sell cash value. How do you think the christians think about them? Union Central Since it is a rider it is on all the people that are working. Securities Licensed Company B: $590 anuually And if you follow their lead, you will be wearing orange, or yellow jumpsuits eventually. Since I understand medicine and can talk about it, I am a doctor. If we look at MLM companies we see that in many cases the same or comparable product can be had for a cheaper price at Wal-Mart or some other store. I say Im getting a good deal for $99.00. You yourself said that if you are good enough you get a salary. Again whomever is posting this is incorrect. The child rider for a family of what kids is around 5 bucks for 10k in DB for all the childern and about 10 bucks for 20K in DB for all the children. Product lines? Damn you are right Michael. I also found out that many people accumulate a good amount of savings and then have health issues eat it away in their senior years. I am curious do you use your given name or are you hiding behind a different name? However, I can share my short-lived Primerica experience with you. . Nor do they do things that are not good for the client. They want to keep them seperate. It is hilarious how deep and far you will go to get your point. They, nor the E&O, will go to bat for the agent. -. Population health-focused MSN program, for aspiring leaders in nursing and community health. I wont read his response to this post either. Could this be something he does not want anyone looking at this Business, to know that they do change and they do adapt to new things. Finally he left them and went with Primerica. This means we cant take any clients from the business. Do they advise which funds to choose? Confidential information includes, among other things, customer lists, agent information, policy coverage and expiration data, and investment account information. The only draw back is that you get paid less. Something you must understand is most people who join PFS have no clue what to look for or what to ask for. I guess you forgot about quality. Im going to clear up a few things here. . IN the fine print, and since I have read it, It says yes it is only guaranteed for 20 years, but everyone in your classification needs to be increased. It is a meaningless statistic. Only 1 to 5% rate of return. And before you ask, I have relatives in California, that I visited in June. You are so right, but they are under an RVP. ROP is great for a young couple that is not established in life. Term is what it is a temporary policy. Representatives are compensated through commissions or referral fees on the sale of financial products offered by the financial product companies they represent. Again You are proving that you cant read like Michael/Thomas, and James. No intelligent company pays for something unless it is going to get something. The PFS system is designed for massive recruiting. You seem to know all about insurance, when was the last time you checked into how many policies go 30 years? They love it when they compete against expensive cash-value. I The fact that you do not understand systemic and not systematic, I am sure you do not understand residual income. Almost everyone in PFS knows that if you make $100K no one knows who you are. Guarantee is good, converting is bad. So please do not say that since this is a Christian blog I could not lie. Your just building for someone else. Honestly they can go work anywhere and get your compensation. I guess you are right. At one time was a Primerica agent. IT is typical that you attack this way since you cant win across the kitchen table. Im a bid Dave Ramsey fan. I am still in the licensing phase of the employment process. Primerica sells the SAME FUNDS.in fact, they usually have cheaper management fees for the EXACT same fund. If your Basic Agreement is terminated for any reason, this Agreement will, without additional notice, automatically terminate. I just love showing how moronic the people who post against Primerica are. Since the License can be placed with Primerica or with someone else, that is the reason why they have problems. Now if one company is table rating a client I may be able to shop it for them and see if another company is more competitive. That means I have more money in my annuity than your client did, which is great to me. I am sorry for any confusion. From my past understanding the reps dont get renewals from that business. They do better compliance than most. You agree that you are not excused from complying with any restrictive covenant or confidentiality provision because of any claim you have against a Primerica Company. Anyway thats all I have to say for now. But then I as I quoted before, Wall Street Journal said that the only people that think cash value is good, are those that sell it. Do you feel like your Products are not as competitive as they should be? Im happy for you that youre making good money as an independent agent, and thats really all that counts, right? I also gave them new agents from my recruits. It is a business owner. So if they do this with many loans, then the money does come in. If there was that many liabilities, why have we not heard of the lawsuits? Wrong. . They said since you bought from XYZ company, they could contact you since they are a sister/brother/Parent company of that company. You may know somethings about them, but just like the saying A little knowledge can be dangerous. You prove that you are dangerous. Tom tries to abuse the power of persuasion to manipulate his customers to purchase what he sells. I am not stupid, I learn from my mistakes and correct myself. If I looked at this portion of the post, it proves one of two things. I wonder what fantasy land do you life in. Right now it is not taxable. Do the Coke/Pepsi test in other words, looks at the facts and figures first, THEN see which company it is. Present the solution. The fact that you lose money, by over paying. If they dont offer it they dont need to know about it. Theres no twisting going on. I left because of all the reasons listed above multiple times. -. This will probably rub people the wrong way but the actual truth hurts i guess. It has been since the insurance laws have been inacted by the lobby of the cash value insurance companies. Tom there are reasons why some policies have a lower cost. Its like a doctor trying to have a conversation with a baby that was just born. I actually signed up as a rep before I did the FNA or anything because I seen an opportunity to learn and do something in which im very interested. As you may remember, I have contacted corporate more than once about these posting. Go term4sale.com and you will see who was quoted and how many companies spanked Primerica. I am curious home many parttimers want to work hard for $3000 and are barely breaking even. (In favor of the Owner). even if you must buy flyers and whatnot, your overhead will be significantly less then trying to start up any other business. No value term. Simply put, as Annette did, the financial services industry is too regulated, at the federal level, to allow Primerica, a multi-billion dollar company within the industry, to get away with being a scam. The only thing is that it does not make it better. But why not talk about the products you sell, if you can defend them. . IT seems you never learned when you were there. You are just a person who could not get past the price objection. Since you do not know me, Why are you being condescending? This could be another attempt to do this. Just like a person with High Blood Pressure, and Diabetes are not likely to get insurance, no one would take on the risk of having him as an agent. Can RVPs start new people at different levels if they so choose? Wrong, but then again you still like to use Wrenches as hammers, instead of getting the correct tool. Health: Regular/Average I guess you are not even worth an hour of their time. I have learned a couple of things. First It is personal. Most people do not have the right tools for it too. As a matter of fact I was clear to state I am new to Primerica. Something went wrong. If you dont have a insurance or NASD license, they do. A male with everything else the same as the female is 69.13. Tom, you talk about Cancer & LTD. You stated. Why would an agent offer term insurance? Please list facts.