Example Question: Did you injure anything besides your foot? Match. Pro Tip: Monitoring moles is an important step in detecting skin cancer. Let us have a look at your work and suggest how to improve it! The patients response to these questions may uncover additional problems not discovered during discussion of the patients chief complaint. Pro Tip: Establishing information about the character of Tina's skin, like whether the skin on her neck is thickening, will allow you to compare her symptoms and assess her condition. Finding: Reports diabetes (Found)Pro Tip: It is important to identify any existing medical conditions, as that information is an integral part of a complete health history. Finding: Reports paternal grandmother diagnosed with high blood pressure (Found)Pro Tip: Family histories might indicate a genetic predisposition. Example Question: Do you have a family history of headaches? Finding: Reports taking ibuprofen (Advil) for 2 days (Found)Pro Tip: Discovering how long your patient has been taking pain medication is a crucial part of the history of her condition or injury. Finding: Reports father was diagnosed with high blood pressure (Found)Pro Tip: Family histories might indicate a genetic predisposition. Finding: Denies gum problems (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about symptoms, such as gum problems, is one possible component of a review of systems interview. However, for a patient with no active respiratory complaints, this problem does not need to be addressed immediately. Pro Tip: Establishing information about any skin condition Tina experiences will help you to Example Question: How often do you wake up at night to urinate? Pro Tip: Family histories might indicate a genetic predisposition to certain conditions. Finding: Denies seasonal allergies (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about seasonal allergies can help you understand a patients complete set of allergies over the course of a year. Priority: High Priority Pro Tip: Managing acute pain is an immediate high priority, because other health concerns cannot be effectively addressed while a patient experiences severe pain. Denies current or past history of eczema. Asking Tina if she has had skin rashes solicits important health history information. Example Question: When was your last period? Adding a business to Yelp is always free. Terms in this set (23) Asked . Example Question: Does the wound have an odor? Intervene Pain: Administer non-pharmacologic interventions to reduce pain. Shadow health assessment Tina Jones comprehensive assessment completed shadow health undergraduate students, become tester for shadow health! Finding: Denies seasonal triggers (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about seasonal triggers can help you understand a patients complete set of asthma triggers over the course of a year. Id like to talk with you more about getting back onto a prescription. Tina Jones: I mean, I have asthma and diabetes, but right I now I just care about my foot! These assessments together will give you a comprehensive picture of Ms. Jones overall health. Finding: Reports moles (Available)Pro Tip: Monitoring moles is key in preventing cancerous growths. Ends 8/31/2022. Planning Pro Tip: To help your patient address her obesity, which is often a sensitive topic, use therapeutic communication techniques. Tina Jones: He died last year, so I was 27. Finding: Asked about frequency of urination. Finding: Reports sneezing, itchy eyes, and wheezing (Available)Pro Tip: Determining a patients reaction to an allergen is essential to gauge if the allergy is life-threatening. Finding: Reports infrequent runny nose (Found)Pro Tip: Asking about symptoms, such as runny nose, is one possible component of a review of systems interview. The patients response to questions about this topic may uncover additional problems not discovered during the discussion of the patients chief complaint, such as unspecified allergies. Priority Low Priority Pro Tip: A BMI greater than 30 indicates obesity, but this diagnosis is a low priority at present. Sometimes it runs, but not very often. For all your skin and hair care problems, look no further. Came here in the dead of winter - the parking lot to turn into from 800 North (snowing and ice everywhere) is not recommended - you can hit your car's tires on the sidewalk due to it being covered and not being shoveled/maintained! I dont know if its allergies, but sometimes my asthma acts up around dust. Nodule: Solid, elevated, hard or soft, larger than 1cm. Intervene Pain: Administer prescribed analgesics to provide optimal pain relief. Example Question: Have you experienced any type of abuse? She also reports sometimes needing more puffs to resolve symptoms. patient. Pro Tip: Sun exposure can directly affect a patient's skin. Contributing factors are a past history of hospitalization and asthma attacks, as well as sedentary lifestyle and obesity. Student: Have you been around people that are smoking? Finding: Asked review of systems for reproductive. Model Statement: "Thank you for sharing that information. So impressed! Tina Jones: My nose is fine right now. Finding: Reports being barefoot at the time of injury (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about clothing, footwear, and other protective elements being worn at the time of injury helps you discover the totality of the circumstances. Tina Jones: Im Baptist. While the patient is in your care, educate her on the cause and symptoms of shortness of breath so that she can let you know about emerging problems. Student: What type of drugs did you use? Finding: Denies night sweats (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about additional symptoms, such as night sweats, is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Finding: Reports infrequent sinus problems (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about symptoms, such as frequent sinus issues, is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Pro Tip: Specific questions about Tina's wound can help you to assess the care that she will Tina Jones: Well. Example Question: What medication allergies do you have? Student: Have you had any problems with your breasts? Student: How often do you have asthma exacerbations? Example Question: Do you have any food allergies? Or like, hed make us rake the yard or wash his car or something. The patients response to questions about this topic may uncover additional problems not discovered during the discussion of the patients chief complaint, such as allergic reactions or infection. Student: Can you tell me about your fathers health? Finding: Reports specific age of diagnosis is 2.5 years old (Available)Pro Tip: Asthma can have a profound impact on health, and it is important to learn about the patients history of the condition, including the age of diagnosis. . Student: What preexisting medical conditions do you have? Student: What food allergies do you have? Educate Medication: Educate the patient on medications used for pain relief. Example Question: What are your usual blood sugar levels? Pro Tip: Soliciting a relevant medical history will help you to more effectively treat your Finding: Asked about the effectiveness of pain medication at home. Example Question: Do you have any existing conditions? Tina Jones: I havent smoked pot since I was twenty or twenty-one. Ulcer: deeper depression extending into dermis, irregular shape; may bleed; leaves scar when heals. And diabetes we have diabetes in common. I recently moved here from california and needed a nail salon that met themore, Love this salon! I get headaches sometimes, but thats all. Student: We are going to take care of everything as quickly as possible. Elderly: Senile Lentigines, keratosis, dry skin, decreased turgor, hair loss, Shadow Health- Tina Jones- Hair, Skin, Nails, Shadow Health | Tina Jones | Respiratory Asse, Shadow Health- Danny Rivera- Focused Exam: Co, Shadow Health | Tina Jones | Cardiovascular, Muskuloskeletal Disorders-Pathophysiology, Disorder Female Reproductive System- Pathophy, Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs, Brad Neiger, James McKenzie, Rosemary Thackeray, ultrasound physics: chapter 3 transducers(not. Example Question: What is your reaction to penicillin? Finding: Denies chest pain or discomfort (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about chest pain is one possible component of a review of systems interview. about her health history. Tina Jones: I havent smoked pot since I was twenty or twenty-one. Kind of big like me. In high school, and after high school I definitely dont anymore, though. Ive never really had stomach or bowel problems. Student: I understand your foot hurts, but I need to know this information to make sure I take care of the problem correctly. Example Question: How many puffs of your inhaler are you prescribed? Tina Jones: Yeah, lately Ive definitely been much hungrier than usual. Finding: Reports feeling pain radiating into ankle (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about where else the patients pain radiates can help determine the progression of infection. As a currently presenting symptom, it could impact the patients care plan. patient. Finding: Reports disliking diabetes medication side effects (Found)Pro Tip: Asking about side effects from medication can provide information about your patients reaction to treatment. Diana Shadow: In 1 or 2 sentences, answer this question to help prepare for the upcoming exam: Why is it important to obtain a patients complete health history? Finding: Denies blood in urine (Available)Pro Tip: As a currently presenting symptom, blood in the urine is a serious symptom that requires immediate intervention. Student: Have you ever smoked cigarettes? Finding: Asked about current diabetes medication use. Asking Tina how she treats her acne solicits important information about her health history. Measure the patients blood glucose and provide medication as per the physicians orders. Example Question: Can you bear weight on your foot? Paronychia: Red, swollen tender inflammation of the nail folds. Diana Shadow: Hi. Student: Have you had any neurological problems? Seen in generalized disorders such as thrombocytopenia, and scurvy. Evidence Relevant: "I mean, its all red and swollen, and theres pus, it feels hot, it hurts like hell Its got all that going on." symptoms she is experiencing. Past month, 2022 Family-medical.net. Example Question: Do you ever get tingling? The patients response to these questions may uncover additional problems not discovered during discussion of the patients chief complaint. Student: Have you had any musculoskeletal problems? She might have high cholesterol too. Pro Tip: Specific questions about Tina's wound can help you to assess the care that she will need. Tina Jones: For as long as Ive been around. Planning Relevant: Educate Diet: Educate the patient on balanced nutritional intake. It refers to abnormally thin nails (usually of the hand) which have lost their convexity, becoming flat or even concave in shape. ", 4.Lack of treatment with diabetes medication Not Followed Up, Description: Tina reveals that she does not treat her diabetes with medication. Asking Tina if her Erythema migrans of Lyme disease Example Question: Have you ever taken medication for your diabetes? Im Preceptor Diana. Finding: Reports maternal grandmother diagnosed with high cholesterol (Found)Pro Tip: Family histories might indicate a genetic predisposition. Atrophic Scar: the resulting skin level is depressed with loss of tissue; a thinning of the epidermis. Finding: Asked review of systems for urinary. Your email address will not be published. Student: What are some things that trigger your asthma? Discovering her reason for noncompliance will allow you to make a more informed decision about current treatment. Higher levels of pain have been associated with thoughts of self-harm. Onycholysis: A slow, persistent fungal infection of fingernails and, more often, toe nails, common in older adults, Fungus causes change in color (green where nail plate separates from bed), texture, thickness, with nail breaking or crumbling and loosening of the nail plate, usually beginning at the distal edge and progressing proximally. I was pleasantly surprised by the massage chair I was seated in while each foot was pampered with nail trimming, sugar scrubbed, lotioned, and oiled. Finding: Reports last dental visit was several years ago (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about a patients dental care is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Example Question: What did you eat for your last meal? Finding: Reports she stopped because of health reasons and waning interest (Available)Pro Tip: Communicating about why a patient stopped or started drug use gives insight into their attitudes and dependencies on a substance. Sexual activity without condoms increases a patients risk of STIs, and can be an indicator of a patients health literacy. Pro Tip: Acne is a skin disorder resulting from hormones and various other substances on the skin's oil glands. She lives down the street from us, and she gets around okay. Example Question: How many stories is your house? Student: Does your family have a history thyroid issue? Tina Jones: UmIve smoked pot before. Finding: Asked about patient belief system. Finding: Reports eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast yesterday (Available)Pro Tip: In a health history, it is important to get an idea of a patients typical dietary patterns. Finding: Reports she last checked blood sugar a month ago (Available)Pro Tip: Your patients blood sugar monitoring habits are an important part of her health literacy and home treatment. The patients response to questions about general, constitutional health may uncover additional problems not discovered during the discussion of the patients chief complaint. Example Question: Do you have any other conditions? The patients response to questions about this topic may uncover additional problems not discovered during the discussion of the patients chief complaint, such as allergic reactions or infection. The most common causes of muscle pain are strain, overuse, illness, or infection. Finding: Denies depression (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about the patients history with depression is one possible component of a review of systems interview and may provide insight into their ability to cope in the event of painful physical trauma. Finding: Asked about family history of substance abuse. ", 3.Gaps in health literacy around diabetic diet Not Encountered, Description: Tina describes controlling her diabetes by avoiding "sweets." Finding: Denies lumps (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about abnormal characteristics of a patients breasts, such as lumps, is one way of assessing overall breast health. Example Question: Have you had jaw problems? Tina Jones: No, I dont think so. Example Question: Are you able to hold your urine? Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing Diane Brown, Helen Edwards, Lesley Seaton, Thomas . You will be able to see what has been effective and ineffective in the past, which will allow you to make a more informed decision about current treatment. As the underlying cause for delayed healing and infection, they must be addressed. important health information. The resulting skin level is elevated by excess scar tissue, which is invasive beyond the site of original injury. Honestly, I didnt realize that Id be admitted to the hospital for my foot. Finding: Denies dandruff (Available)Pro Tip: Dandruff is a chronic scalp condition characterized by flaking skin. She expresses gaps in health literacy about the risk of ceasing prescribed medication and blood glucose monitoring. You may complete the exam activities in any order and move between them as needed. Tina Jones: I havent noticed any pain there. Finding: Reports that her diabetes is Type 2 (Available)Pro Tip: The type of diabetes your patient has will drastically affect how you care for her. Assess Pain: Assess the patients response to pain medication. for skin cancer. Looks smooth, rubbery and "clawlike" and has a higher incidence among Blacks. Asking Tina how her foot wound has been healing specifies the symptoms she is Tina Jones: Being around cats is the worst, but dust and running up stairs can make my breathing bad, too. Asking Tina when I cant put any weight on it without like, shooting pain. Finding: Reports redness around the wound (Found)Pro Tip: Asking about redness will help you understand the timeline for the infection progression. Free Wi-Fi. Tina Jones: You know, I did notice lately that Ive been really thirsty. Rating: 5/5. Won't go anywhere else. Priority Low Priority Pro Tip: A patients sedentary lifestyle compromises her overall health and problems such as diabetes. If the patient reports a history of chest pain, it could be a symptom of a recurring cardiovascular problem. Keloid, Macule: solely a color change, flat and circumscribed of less than 1 cm. Example Question: What is your reaction to cats? Finding: Denies other injuries besides foot wound (Available)Pro Tip: Discovering additional injuries can reveal more information about the circumstances that caused the presenting injury. Tina Jones: No, I cant. Student: Have you had any reproductive problems? "No, I cant. Finding: Reports mother diagnosed with high blood pressure (Found)Pro Tip: Family histories might indicate a genetic predisposition. Finding: Denies dry mouth (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about symptoms, such as dry mouth, is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Reports wound had been getting worse over the past week. her neck hurts, will allow you to compare her symptoms and assess her condition. Petechiae: tiny punctuate hemorrhages, 1 to 3 mm, round and discrete, dark red, purple or brown in color. Planning Relevant: Planning Pro Tip: Protect your patient by taking all fall precautions, and educate your patient about how to be safe as she goes through her daily activities at the hospital. Pro Tip: Acne is a skin disorder resulting from hormones and various other substances on "I guess I just got sick of feeling sick and gassy all the time, and it was overwhelming, remembering to take pills and check my sugar. Student: Have you had any prior hospitalizations? Finding: Asked about use of pain medication. The patients response to these questions may uncover additional problems not discovered during discussion of the patients chief complaint. .not always. Finding: Reports receiving HPV vaccine series (Available)Pro Tip: Discovering if a patient has received the HPV vaccination reveals information about both her medical history and her susceptibility to infectious disease. Finding: Denies vomiting (Available)Pro Tip: Vomiting can be caused by a pain response, a reaction to medication, stress, or even spreading infection. Example Question: When did you last have issues with asthma? The patients response to questions about this topic may uncover additional problems not discovered during the discussion of the patients chief complaint, such as allergic reactions or infection. Example Question: When was your last tetanus booster? Literacy around diabetic Diet not Encountered, Description: tina describes controlling her diabetes avoiding... 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