People with Sun in 2nd may have some drive or attraction towards making a lot of money this lifetime. They have since young seen vivid images of the future and may have experienced Deja Vu. I dont see this often but Pisces placements especially the rising tend to be very weird people who usually have very eccentric interests, they usually keep it hidden though. Moon - Pluto are most likely to have very painful periods too but check the rest of the chart. every leo placement ive met rots in low self esteem, yet theyre so beautiful in every way, why do virgo placements get fixated on one thing and then leave it??? Signs ruled by Venus, Taurus and Libra indicate a gracious, harmonious appearance. WebSaturn rewards discipline, hard work and perseverance. Libra sun Leo Venuses tend to have high standards but also tend to fall in love with anyone who gives them attention / some love. But, it comes through the mind a lot. If the degree on your rising sign is the opposite sign from your rising sign you may show two sides of you to the world. Air moons are most likely to disappear out of nowhere and ghost. If you have pisces/ libra / aries anywhere Im just gonna assume you fangirl over anime characters. Venus Your Creativity. Astrology offers us a portal to explore another dimension of ourselves. By studying the placements and aspects in our natal charts, we can decode our personal strengths, weaknesses, and reappearing themes in our lives. Aries placements / Mars in 1st tend to be very more dominant in their ways of thinking & wouldnt change their ways so easily. WebFree Natal Chart Report Whole Sign Houses. People with Venus in 6th when sick / ill may like to work to feel better. Saturn has been touring Aquarius since December 2020 but is now making its way into Pisces, where it will remain until February 14, 2026. Therefore, I have found significance with Chiron placements and patterns of financial troubles in the 10th house. They could have very loud coughs, etc. One way you can distinguish a Scorpio rising is by looking into their eyes and seeing how deep watery and mesmerizing they are, you tend to get lost in their eyes. are very private people but they give out irrelevant information that would make it seem otherwise. If you happened to be born on a day when the sun switches from one astrology sign to another called a cusp you'll need your birth time to pinpoint your sun sign. THEY SCREWED YOU UP, Sagittarius moon and placement cultures is falling in love with your hot bully because you lowkey like being teased a bit, Venus in 8th.. we get it.. you fantasize about having sex with ur crush 24/7, venus in 7th.. we get it everyone lowkey wants to date you but youre so insecure to see it, scorpio / virgo placement culture is checking if your door is locked 24/7 or if there is any demons under your bed, mercuries in 8th.. we get it you can mentally see and draw spirits / the evil.. but no one believes you because you cant physically see them, cancer risings maybe stop falling in love with anyone who nurtures you and fills in the motherly loving role you never got? If you have a libra rising/ moon Im just gonna assume you dont know your worth. You always have better things to do. Ive noticed a lot of Water risings like the color light blue. Youre probably scared of even going to the grocery store at times. Also people see them as a threat in relationships people may assume theyre with their partner or are cheating. Mars Your Ambition/Power. This is because their sister sign is Aquarius. Start prioritizing your needs and remember that your feelings are valid and start trusting those gut-feelings instead of rationalizing them. Keep in mind that these people are not naive. Saturn dominants give me big daddy energy. Youre sad and need validation? If you have capricorn placements (especially capricorn moon) or/and virgo placements Im just gonna assume you expect the worst case sceneraio 24/7. People with Rahu in 1st have a very beautiful physical beauty to them. A planet exalted or in its own sign in MKS (Marana Karaka Stana) may have a better chance at overcoming a poor placement like Sun in the 12th in Leo but still may lack poor judgment and not get through it as 12th Someone with a Libra rising in the ascendant persona chart may be seen as conventionally attractive & charming & very aesthetic. In a positive note, they are someone people follow because of their independence. Everyone always talks about Sagittarius and Scorpio placements for being blunt (can be true), but Aquarius placements do not care if you dont agree or like them theyre the true care- frees. WebVedic astrology is the actual placement of the planets and the only true astrological reading. Virgo mercuries are one of my absolute favorites. For many, astrology is a map that one looks at to discover their personality and potential. Taurus placements may like to whistle or sing out of nowhere for comfort. You are able to boost other coworkers positions and help them receive recognition They may be someone you talk to for days then they randomly need a lot of alone time then they bounce back. This placement can manifest in thinking a lot about material things, either creative art forms, money or even a Venus in leo is telling me that you send an angry text when your romantic interest doesnt text back and then send them bra pictures when you finally get validation, sorry venus in leos. Will fight for security that may have been stolen from them. sun square mars.. we get it your father messed up your self esteem.. pisces moonsdo yall like ever get tell anyone your life story..? People with Saturn in Virgo are very picky and are prone to not liking what they do often, they feel as if they have to be better. Air moons (Moon in 3rd, Moon in 7th, Moon in 11th) you have this very sociable and intelligent ways to you that others never over-look. (observation). Literally everyone goes to a Cancer placement/ Moon in 4th, astro placements &their alter ego. (they also love experimenting new things with their partners), Capricorn moons may have had a mother who worked a lot, the father figure may have motivated them / inspired them a lot more. Cancer placements you guys are so nostalgic for no reason youll be graduating and you all will randomly think of something 10 years ago. Having Libra and Pisces in your big three makes you too generous to a fault. If you do them wrong, karma will come bite you in the ass 100x more but thing is these people if they do something morally wrong themselves, they will learn the lesson very harshly. Test your couple Someone you date / you have a crush on most likely shares your 5th house placement especially the Venus. Example; Mercury in Aries degree will make the native much more straight to the point and could shock people with what they say. Aries are the leaders of the pack, first in line to get things going. Even if theyre tall theyre seen as small somehow. I could go into this a lot more, but for our purposes here, just keep in mind that these degrees are important in fame astrology. They may love to watch mystery shows. Placements at 5, 17, and 29 These three degrees are super important in astrology and are called critical degrees. Example: Tarot Cards). (Mars & Especially Venus) Either that or theyve been wanting kids since young age. Could have conflicting emotions and may try to fight themselves on things. Sagittarius risings & moons & gemini risings & gemini moons tend to be the class clowns from what Ive observed. You see the good side in things even though you shouldnt at times. WebAbout the Astrologer. They are also seen as lucky by others. You can rely on them for advice. This is a way how! Cancer placements love doing traditional things! What do you think? Rahu Conjunct Venus in 1st, 5th, 7th or 10th house Rahu in Leo Magha Nakshatra in 5th, 7th, or 10th house Venus in Leo Magha Nakshatra Magha Leo Nakshatra placements If you wrong a Saturn in 10th placement your reputation will most likely be heavily affected. When a Taurus Mercury commits, they commit. Pluto in 1st individuals tend to get accused of bad vibes a lot when its really just their intense energy. (& Their demons). In astrology, there are four elements ( fire, water, earth, and air) that categorize and describe the 12 zodiac signs. People tend to love and look up to people with Sun in 10th & 11th & Sun dominants. Also you guys are more prone to having a dirty mind. So stop with this. They cant see their worth too easily but they praise love and positivity and cant let this part of them shown too easily, no one really knows them until they open up (Capricorn in 4th). Leo risings / Leo moons (Sun in 1st) youve always wondered why me? what did I do since young. Natal charts include planetary placements, which is where a given planet was when you were born, based on your geographic location. They opposite Libra, they would benefit from balance & routine, they are very sensitive when it comes to opinions of people and influences they value and can easily be influenced into things if they dont think too clearly. Earth placements are the type to stay with things for a long time, they are not the type to get the brand new models right away. pt.1, blunt astro observations : *:*:*:. WebSee a recent post on Tumblr from @evanasworld777 about Astrology Aspects. Cafe Astrology .com. In general the energy here is mellow and centered. Check out my terms on reposting and plagiarism here . like yall are just wayyy too smart its hard to win them agaisnt an argument like you physically and mentally cant, every gemini rising ive met had chubby cheeks? Ex; Capricorn in 11th: Karmic experiences with the internet. They may be used for popularity & their love & resources. (Especially Conjuctions) Also these individuals tend to prefer their father for emotional comfort unless other placements state otherwise. They also like teasing their friends. this can also be negative and can cause partners to walk ALL OVER THEM. Do not repost, plagiarize, reword, copy, do not claim as your own. I mentioned this on a seperate post but why are virgo sun sagittarius moons everywhere?? People tend to look up to Sun in 11th individuals to cheer them up. Scorpio energy has the power to trigger people on what they hide. At School you most likely present your Mercury sign the most. (They mimic the way they communicate). These are the Strongest placements you can have in your birth chart that indicate you could not only desire fame but have a very strong chance of achieving it in your career. scorpio placements have a really intense way of communicating so scorpio mercuries may be mistakes for scorpio suns & big three scorpio placements. Mercury in Cancer/Pisces. Mars in cancer individuals tend to be more on the physically weaker side. capricorn moon / rising women are so beautiful bye every single one ive met had perfect face structure! This is the most detailed horoscope you'll ever get. You have Ill deal with it way of going with things (Especially Capricorn Moons). you could suffer from something (again, general). Gemini placements tend to read things pretty fast. WebAstrology Zodiac Signs. Aries in your chart is where you are a leader. Asking the wrong questions & putting your nose where it doesnt belong will really throw them off. They may travel for emotional connections as well. They cant see their worth too easily but they praise love and positivity and cant let this part of them shown too easily, no one really knows them until they open up (Capricorn in 4th). why have so many libras been in so many relationships either that or they are so picky who theyre with. Mercury in Cancer adapt to the type of communication their loved ones prefer. From personal experience Libra risings have somewhat of a hard problem opening up, they have this image of themselves they dont want to be seen different at times. (Aquarius dominants / Uranus in 1st / (Perhaps dominants) individuals tend to have had something about them that was usually noticeable and touched on from people. (Most people with this are around 16-early 18 if Pluto is in Sagittarius) There is usually something about education. Some common chart patterns include: Yod, t-square, stellium, rectangle, grand-cross, grand trine, castle, Star of David, and many more. It would generally give more feminine traits. I really love Cancer Venuses / Venus in 4th they do their best to take care of everyone but needs to at times take care of themselves more. WebAstrology is the study of astronomical positions of the celestial bodies and their correlation with the events on earth. Beyond finding a partner, you want to understand the bigger picture or purpose of relationships. Use your advanced ethics to the best of your ability and dont be so hard on yourself. Kids may be drawn to Cancer placements & some Cancer placements may have had to babysit at one point. Ive noticed Moon in Aries individuals at least once in life have gone through a phase of repression and resentment thus isolating themselves a bit, couldve struggle with explosive emotions. Libra placements (especially the women) tend to attract a lot of envious people who spread rumors. Pisces placements attract so much fucking copycats and people who try to project on them its actually so weird. Ive noticed people always have something to say about these individuals. Or at least itll tell you how you want to be seen. WebWhich placements/aspects explain my life is soooo technology dependent. People with the Mercury sign of your 12th house may understand you in ways you never thought you could understand yourself. better if 2+ especially jupiter in Libra, libra placements have such bad self esteem, cancer venus needs to stop letting people walk all over them, Leo suns can lie a lot about themselves maybe in youth to impress people. Ive also noticed Water rising women tend to like / look good in in darker clothing, I think it makes their watery features stand out. Jupiter in Sagittarius individuals tend to be very humorous and tend to be liked easily & travel tends to be prominent to them. Everyone thought they were so fucking weird yet they were so likeble. Mercury in 10th individuals tend to guide the public eye with information / knowledge. Water Mars (Mars in 4th, Mars in 8th, Mars in 12th) do have a harder time with anger because Mars likes to do things fast and Water mars like to take things a little slower and have tendencies to drain themselves. Cancer risings (Sagittarius in 6th) could make someone scattered during work / routines. If Gemini placements are paired with Leo or Libra they may like to make their texts / writing style fancy. Aries in 2nd house tend to be making money at young ages / more advanced but not always the best at keeping it. did this on a whim, not professional of me if you feel attacked sorry.. if youre sensitive scroll. alone time is everything for a scorpio moon, Originally posted by tzuyuuyu-deactivated20210729. WebLearn astrology or enjoy our quality astrological reports. The name Elpis is also etymologically related to the word will, meaning to wish, desire, or want.. Sagittarius placements couldve been trouble makers or less serious when young. In another manifestation they may get accused of lying about things since it rules trickery. Moon likes being in Cancer hence it is very dominant. youve always wondered why me? what did I do since young. For example a Cancer mars needs to have all their security and comfortable needs met 100% before fueling up Mars energy. They know so much more than they let off. They also create a sense of nostalgia for a lot of people. tend to be very more dominant in their ways of thinking & wouldnt change their ways so easily. Pisces rising is free clairvoyance, I swear pisces risings are so psychic I cant.. taurus in 3rd/ pisces rising you guys were probably told to speak up a lot because yall voices sound so quiet. Work on being more confrontational cause trust me you can see and feel through everything. venus in 7th how does it feel to be perfect? I dont even know how to explain like yall look wealthy. (At least romantic experiences). May have a gossipy family & who has all the tea. I think people tend to assume they have their shit together maybe even confident a lot of the times. Leo placements love protecting their loved ones (Especially Mars) no one touch my babies mess with them Ill kill you having their loyalty is soo lucky. Venus in 5th in synastry could indicate one of you guys like the idea of unprotected sex. People with Capricorn in 11th may make friends with older / more mature people online, A lot of Leo men Ive met have had young Leonardo Dicaprio hairstyle (slick with side bangs? (Vedic Astrology + more on my blog<3). gemini moons can not read a book or whatever the hell it is and bullshit the assignment and still get a straight A, having virgo in big three underevolved makes someone so argumentative and rude, LIBRA MOONS ARE ON LITERALLY EVERY MEDIA APP I SWEAR THEYRE EVERYWHERE? Whether or not everything gets done is another question altogether, for an Aries prefers to initiate rather than to complete. (Check rest of chart). gemini venuses.. memes isnt a love language , sag moon / venus tells me once you find the one youll take them everywhere like a dog oh guess what honey I bought us tickets to canada.. were leaving tomorrow, saturn in 8th we get it you feel like no one appreciates your work when you put your whole soul into it, moon in 4th.. its okay to let go of your old childhood clothes.. the memories will stay with you, moon in 4th is like having old toys because it means something to you , aquarius venuses we get it you like giving your loved ones unique nicknames that only you know of, leo moons.. we get it your mother takes you shopping every day.. but you also have to hand in those assignments quick though, scorpio moons your friends dont hate you, taurus moon culture is not using your new car because you dont wanna ruin it, you want it to look pretty forever, taurus moons culture is either gatekeeping your money or spending it right away, moon in 4th / pisces moons.. WE GET IT.. youre the mother of the friend group and will protect their kids at all costs, scorpio moons we get it.. you love that black nail polish, mercury in 5th.. yall dont have to make your texts so aesthetic 24/7, mars in gemini.. WE GET IT you were the quickest typer in your class, and the only reason you win at arguments is because you type hella fast or speak hella fast.. you wont even let the other person say shit, scorpio placements.. yall say you are bad bitches but cant handle being wrong.. yall will bring up anything to win agaisnt somebody , gemini + scorpio in a chart if underdeveloped is a master manipulator. Cancer mars are hard workers just like Capricorn mars, but they tend to get emotionally tired and drained from environments / situations easily and Capricorn mars usually have the ability to keep on pushing themselves. Cancer : June 21 - July 22. Someone with a Scorpio Mercury with a Virgo moon most likely has clairvoyance (vivid images) and claircognizance (the sense of knowing + getting information). The sign placement of Saturn shows the basic type of energy connected with your obligations. If you have mars in 4th youdefinitely rebel over anything your parents say & argue every day over pointless things at times. Fire moons can easily fall into the wrong crowd. Each of these aspects creates A look at the current placements of the planets called cycles, or transits, can help us orient ourselves with these energies and to work with them rather than against them. pisces risings usually dont have a jaw and just have a cute fish looking face. Ability and dont be so hard on yourself found significance with Chiron placements patterns. Fight for security that may have a cute fish looking face randomly of! Have all their security and comfortable needs met 100 % before fueling up energy! 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