You have to buy 100PV in products every month (call it around $300). Those two couples are now in Amway/Quixtar terms "Emeralds and Diamonds". The way to make money is selling CD's and tickets to functions. Amway is all about selling the hope. Hilarious.You're still angry about failing in Amway? We're not making money. Less than $5 for a good name brand at the drugstore. Is it a scam? You can be like the majority of prospects and say you'll be there and just be a no show. And yup everyone in our upline to Emerald had jobs other than Amway. Your a 100 percent real bitch go to hell and rott. Diamonds look back and say look at all he people I fucked over to get rich. Went right over that Ambot's head! About 45 years of your life.And most people retire on the pension / social security.That makes working a great way to becone financially free! you haven't lost hope. Hello, it's me again, back from the meeting. Thank you for clarifying misconceptions about a legit business like Amway. The amway guys I know told me the amway downlnes can purchase the protein bars for 2$ each and sell for 3$ each.. that seems like some good profit if you get a lot of customers ordering bars every month.Also, the guys that tried recruiting me told me that there is a 90 day money back guarantee. Look at all the people who I helped destroy marriages and brought financial and emotional distress to their lives. More importantly, those mistakes don't define you. Anonymous - I'm with you. Kyle - Amway ambots judge everybody who is not in Amway so this is our little spot on the web where we can just people in Amway. This blog doesn't have many comments? Anna, my friend invited me to an E-commerce meeting with over 2,000 people. I hissed at her because I belonged to Greenpeace (got my membership in 3rd grade) and the thought of the whole fur coat thing grossed me out, let alone, all these pathetic women clamoring to touch them. They reached the rank of Crown Ambassador in 2014. God bless everyone! One is for a free ebook called Merchants of Deception and that will spell out to you exactly what life inside Amway is like. Surely you can find a business with a better success rate than that. I don't want him to get suckered into this, he sounds so passionate about it too.PS. I was in Amway back in 96 to 99. I feel bad for the people on here saying that they "TRIED" to work it, that means they never actually put the work in. And when I say tiny, I mean spending hundreds in the Amway "dream" and getting small $10 checks back from Amway. Earnings depend on many factors, including: customer base, business experience, effort, dedication, and quality and performance of an IBOs sales team. You do all the work, make a few pennies commission on a sale, and everyone in your upline also makes commission off your hard work. Thanks for stopping by and proving that Amway is a blame the victim scam. At least I'm not a fucking lying scamming Amway asshole flogging overpriced shitty products and that's not something you can say about yourself. Many of them have died and their businesses are now run by others. Nothing brings those Amway bastards more happiness than destroying other people's lives and bringing financial and emotional distress to others. Just let go of whatever made you write this post and you will be better off down the road. Their mouth is moving. In 2 hours I'm gonna hear his side of this Amway story and what is this business opportunity is all about. But from the sound of your post you are still stuck working for someone who you have to answer to. Amway people only hate people who are negative. Are your families dreams worth it? Its about the amount of effort you put into this business. the 12 billion annual revenue that is toted around by distributors is the total revenue for Alticor (parent company of Amway). Yeah the smart people who quit almost as soon as they sign up can get a refund. Yup the life of an Amway Ambot is to lie, deny, distract, defend, and then disappear.Though maybe that was Theo who popped in last week. i m an mba student in common with study i also building amway business in part time, nd i have achieve 21% level. good luck with that one LOL!!!! Working 7 days a week non stop. That's one of the 10 CORE bullshit that is always mentioned at Scamway meetings. Ha ha!!!! business. This group is allegedly responsible for helping over 500 distributors reach Diamond status in Amway. The beachfront island resort offers vast ocean views and lively pools and lagoons in a setting for unforgettable adventure. It's stupid to work a job and make your boss rich. Love it! It is a unique business. The embarrassment they went through as the other kids at school mocked them because their parents were in the Amway cult. It takes a special kind of person to be able to deal with an IBO for a spouse because any form of argument against their god will be ruthlessly destroyed. People in Amway are prudes The correct answer when asked about your dream is to say its to produce gay porno movies. And if the first one doesn't work then there's always another one to try. Your really negative and you have some anger issues. Yup they don't say it's Amway. So far, from what I've read the stories here are pretty fucked up. Look at the small print on Amway's literature where it shows that less than 1% make money. THAT is why they are so hot on recruiting, recruiting, recruiting. Yo. Jun 24 - Jun 26, 2022. Yes, we all know WWDB.You get rich by selling CDs, books, and other tools to naive Amway IBOs. Help them do what you did in your first 3 months, go 50/150, then go Fast Track making between $500-1100/month with the fast track bonus and regular business $'s. Thank you for this website, Though this comment does not refute anything abovePoker is a phenomenal metaphor for this. I do believe it takes the right people to go Diamond or Ruby or Emerald in the business. We do this out of the goodness of our hearts to help others not make the same mistake. What's so wrong with having a job? I hope you are doing that now. That year t. of more than 1400 Amway Diamonds and above. ?I'm always amused that it's someone's 'relative' or 'friend' or 'co-worker' or what-the-hell-ever that they know. I'm amazed the Amway media machine isn't blowing this out their asses that this immigrant made it big in Amway and has bought millions of dollars worth of businesses, etc etc. Be humble, open minded , and loving and God will open doors! And if I were you I wouldn't go around mentioning you know Amway losers because people are going to think you're a fucking Amway loser too. You actually tell them what you want to talk to them about and show them some videos online before having them over. Joe's commentary. They have an income"No they don't. The things I learned from Amway I have always used in my everyday life. But we also know that diamonds earn income from the sale of tools. During Major Functions, Diamonds speak of having lifetime, will-able, residual income through the Its not about money Anna, its about having the freedom to choose your own hours and not answering to anyone. Made up? The assholes in the Amway upline will start screeching about never question upline and give you some bullshit that what's printed there is only "guidelines" and the real money runs in the gazillions of dollars rolling in each month. And I'm talking a low quality chocolate. It was what I'd believed was success. Yesterday is waste paper, today is news paper, tomorrow is question paper and Amway is the answer paper. I'm Kyle. We are a training system on how to build the amway business to a truly significant level. I already feel like I'm walking into a trap. Rip off! Of course, like any brainwashed Ambot, this guy just sees the "insults" and "foul language" and totally skips over the TONS of articles and posts going into great detail of WHY Amway is a losing "opportunity", a mathematical dead-end pyramid where only less than 1% of people make any kind of profit, and which is why it is based on "dreams" and not reality. You will not be able to return to the payment option. Then teach 3 people that could benefit from even only $200 extra per month on the side. Contrary what you may read by people who don't like what I have to say, this site and my commentary is not endorsed or financially supported in any way by Amway, Alticor, the IBOAI or any other affiliated companies or organizations. All of us are broke who have incomes around 150k. I know we did.Why do Amway ambots keep accusing me of having a job? How the hell do I know if its fake or not? Commission from Amway of about $10/month.If you want free trips, get a job with an airline or enter contests to win a trip. A person can live a decent lifestyle on this income if you watch how you spend it. But if that's what you coasted on them holy balls, i understand your anger. So, Theo grossed $1.22 million over a three year period. Do you believe in yourself? I've also found out that by doing a lot day in and day out in getting people to buy or make connections for them to join is tough but they say is well worth it. The beachfront island resort offers vast ocean views and lively pools and lagoons in a setting for unforgettable adventure. we call it "the prosperity Gospel" and that is apart from an insult to Christ, an outright misrepresentation . Register now to take the next steps on path filled with possibilities. What about bankrupt Diamonds. They cherry pick scripture, an make it say the exact opposite of what it does when presented in context. Ask your dad's friend to show you the ownership papers and his registration.If he's in Amway, he'll probably give you a lot of double-talk, and then pretend he didn't hear your questions. It's ecommerce or something like that. Almost nobody finds success without a few major lapses in judgment along the way. You think you are still fighting and working toward your future. We'd be happy to debunk your falsified assumptions.-Jerry. Anonymous you come back and let us know how that goes. Despite the overwhelming evidence presented here and elsewhere that profits from the "tools" business far exceed that from the sale of Amway products, most Amway distributors have continued to insist that little or no profit is made from the sale of tapes and rally tickets. That of course includes many couples, but it means at that point in time, with sales of around $8 billion, there was clearly more than 2000 qualifying Diamonds. An encounter with an Amway / WWDB recruiter, 7 tips to help you spot Amway / WWDB recruiters in coffee shops. Oh and seeing as how I'm not in Amway - of course life will be better down the road! They try one company, an when that doesn't work, it's on to the next. Show us your picture in Achieve Magazine, Diamond chaser. At the 50th Anniversary celebrations in Ada, Michigan last week Steve Van Andel reported there were 544 currently qualifying Founders Executive Diamondsand above businesses in attendance, and there were reportedly over 4000 currently qualifying Diamond and above IBOs (so around 2000 IBOships)in Las Vegas. THIS IS THE RIGHT TIME TO DO AMWAY BUISNESS BECAUSE ALL THE HURDLES HAVE BEEN REMOVED WITH REGARD TO THE BUISNESS BUILDING PROCESSS. I have been with amway for only a month now, but this has been the most exciting time because my husband and I are preparing to reach diamond status in record time. . Yeah that'll get me somewhere. I was so enamored with their houses and cars, but also how incredibly douchey and pathetic they all looked. Now this was the larger type of protein bar, and I have compared it to other large protein bars at grocery stores like target, walmart, wegmans, and the bigger types of protein bars (the jumbo/extreme types) are also around 3$. The only way to make money in Amway is selling tools like that book. No vacations, no socializing with normal people. This article is insanely biased. Also selling CDs of themselves bullshitting the crowd with their motivational teaching. Nonsense. Why the fuck would I blog about restaurants? The old Wizard of Oz "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain", because that "man" is an upline wanting to pick your pocket clean while you are busy with your head in the clouds dreaming. Both of you have been brainwashed to spout off the bullshit you hear from your Amway cult leaders. The cast of Uchu Sentai Kyuranger made their first public appearance at this year's LIVE&SHOW anniversary concert celebrating Kamen Rider and Super Sentai. . My wife is with Amway too. Yup Amway Ambots talk out of both sides of their mouths and their assholes. ft. $725,000. Many entire coutries went bankrupt due to economic recession. Amway is all about fake it till you make it. My complaint where Amway is concerned is that they turned a blind eye to what is, in essence, downright stealing, making them "accessories after the fact as a court of law would call it. I believe it's been 6-7 years since . So if these fucking Amway assholes think Im broke then they are putting Amway Diamonds in the same category. Anonymous - seeing as how this blog is devoted mostly to making the Amway upline look like a bunch of fucking assholes, your opinion might differ. So where is your vile for restaurants, or are you one of those people, who give them your money? I cant promise you anything but how would you like to meet him for coffee?You get there and the bozo introduces himself as a Platinum whether or not he is. In India how much students R Doctors? How likely is it you can find 1000 people to keep motivated to buy $300 worth of Amway products every month so you can earn commission? But really? Great Post, Anonymous. So we got started and the rest is "history" to this point. How do you structure your work ? I doubt it. to support their Amway hobby) and if Jesus were around today they would actually scorn him as being a long-haired hippie, pacifist, socialist, bleeding-heart liberal who should go buy a suit and use his influence to scam people out of their money. First, review the. Restaurants are Scams! All still alive and well! Even if we are talking 4,000 diamondships (which many diamondships have two diamonds in it), that would be each diamondship running $16.5 million in volume annually. If you have capital to build a business then do so help the economy and build something of your own. Astonishingly, he makes $300k on a bad year and $460k on a good year. We talk about the meetings, rallies, and functions we attended and then you show up here like a dumb fuck and say I don't know if you've ever heard of WWDB. A diamond pin is finally available. For the tiny percentage of ambots who make it it's probably not so nice an income because they have to pretend they're living an Amway diamond lifestyle on low 6 figures and going into debt to fool their downline how rich they are. Youre the liar you broke loser. They are first people you should turn to for advice. They figure once they get the sucker there and get them in front of their Amway cult leader they'll want to sign up so they can spend more time with that bastard. Yes, any hand you are dealt could be the one that wins you all the chips, but playing every hand like it is a flush straight will bleed your chips dry. But when the diamond falls out of qualification fees dry up. Not just buy them, but subscribe monthly for new tapes every month. Racist/bigoted comments? No that's proof that news sources in 3rd world countries haven't yet announced the results of the 2008 Presidential election. Today, I want to share my list of the top 27 Amway Diamonds of all time, as I see it. Now $150,000 sounds like a lot of money to young people or to those with lower wage types of jobs, or those who are just starting out in their careers. There is no charge to read this blog, leave a comment, there's nothing for sale here, and the bananas don't get money for participating here.People in Amway want to make money off you. We just want to help people not go through the hell we went through. Obviously we have differing opinions on what is negative and there's nothing wrong with having different opinions on that. They were probably shocked as well. Over on Amway Wiki a number of diligent editors have been creating information pages about the many, many people around the world who have qualified at the Amway Diamond level or higher.I've now added an extension to the Wiki which allows us to easily list these pages and so far we have information (at least the names!) You can find stories online of people spending $192,000 to "make" $30,000 (shit, we think there are actual cults with a higher rate of return). and now i am 6%achiever. You Go 50/150 for 3 out of your first 6 months you get $50/per month that you do plus your regular business $'s you'll be around $60-$260/month that you do. Well get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isnt spam. Anonymous - its the old saying nothing in life is free. Yup they all want to meet for coffee. heard all the "Motivational speeches". LOL! T.Mitchell@katewwdb.comHave a nice day;~Tyler Mitchell~. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. How much does a diamond make in Amway? Hi Anonymous. Following are the approximate percentages of U.S. registered IBOs who achieved the illustrated results in the calendar year 2021: Diamond Club 0.0271%; Diamond Select 0.0123%; By selecting cancel, the new IBO must complete the rest of the registration process, including payment. LOL! Amway isnt a scam. A few years passed and I had started my own business - something that actually created value in this world, when I ran into those sponsors. Check: Good luck with your future! After the meeting, they asked me what I thought and I politely told them that I was not interested in Amway. It makes Amway Ambots very angry that its so high on the search engines when they're probably looking to find out how much an Amway Diamond makes. But not all Diamonds are on the preferred speaking list so some diamonds earn more cash than others but a diamond could earn several thousand or tens of thousands more a year by this tool income. My diamond makes 1.3 million, and my crown makes 12 million. (Thanks to Dr.Jayashree rath).have a great life.thanks. Thank you for stopping by and setting us straight. Bullshit. Best of luck in tying the record, though!! One reasn why the products are so expensive, is because there was a confrontation between the Devos/van Andels and the bigwig distributirs making money off the tools, and the latter threatened to leave and take their organizations with them, so the company had to accept that, and they had to raise their prices to offset it. At least at Walmart and the other stores you can buy a single protein bar without buying a box of them. Like I said, I don't make any money off you whatever you do so its no skin off my ass if you want to sign up with Amway and go through financial and emotional distress. The speakers were probably diamonds or equivalent, and they had a story about how their lives are great now, with all this leisure time. 2nd Anonymous - you got it right but someone who's been brainwashed by Amway cult leaders will disagree and will respond with canned Amspeak bullshit they've duplicated from an asshole in their Amway upline. Thats how a brainwashed Amway asshole thinks. takes only FALTU KA TV Tiem only How about the claim of 1,000 Apple shares. And if the ambot finds 6 people and they find 6 people and so on then they're all going to be RICH. Of course, Diamonds can have international legs, Diamonds do overlap, and Diamonds have Platinum legs that are bigger than 7500PV, so that figure likely has no little resemblance to reality. Maybe Kenny Rogers put it best-Jerry, I mean i guess you were in the business. While technically it is possible Id say in reality it is not possible from a standing start. I quit it after a couple of months, and my Sgt. 2nd Anonymous - yeah what the fuck was that gibberish? We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Better get used to spelling with Chinese phonetics , Your email address will not be published. !If you want unbiased look at the Dateline videos done by real reporters interviewing past and current Amway employees. Wait a minute. i say forget chasing or hating the dream and just make some extra money. Anonymous - I'd like to hear what a Diamond has to say about that too but we probably never won't! There is a word for what they do in the outside world. LOL! As for the products 180 day money back guarantee, so nothing to lose everything to gain if you have a dream and want to make a difference in many lives. It's how pyramids work. Thank you. That's where diamonds get most of their money from.No, Theo is like so many other "fake it til you make it" Ambots who come in to defend their Amway god. See you're too nice. Those bazillions of dollars in residual income from Amway should be rolling in every month at the 2 year mark, and she should be about 2 years in now if memory serves correctly.We had a post up a few weeks ago featuring someone selling her homemade items on Etsy and earning around $60,000/month. I just wish this existed back in the late 80s and I wouldn't have to watch my parents spend tens of thousands of dollars on a lost dream. Believe it or notsome people do enjoy their careers. Well, one thing is that mistakes even big embarrassing mistakes are a natural part of the entrepreneur's life. so it doesn't seem like the protein bar price at least is unreasonable.. so i still feel like there is more to this scam that I dont understand. Hi Anonymous - so you're saying that the literature that Amways head office sends out about expected compensation for a Diamond being around 150k is a lie? In other words, a diamond is downline from another diamond. Greed rules! It is obvious that Anna is throwing his/her assumptions here and there and the only way he can evaluate Amway is by calling it names or using foul languages :D I believe you have better things to do with your life other than just sitting here replying everybody for more than a year Anna, let's not reply to me or anybody else and start to enjoy your life. The idea was to reach a level where the scam would provide such a high salary that you don't need anything else and can have all the time in the world with massive money pouring in. I've even heard IBOs discuss BILLIONAIREs they've met. Of course, it is "strictly voluntary" but it is understood that your uplines won't give you the time of day if you don't. You got to spend $30 to buy a box of them. A Q-12 platinum (lets assume 10K PV) runs at minimum $360K annually. Amway is a very expensive social club! It's a no-brainer . Considering benefits like healthcare and retirement, the total compensation package likely approaches $200k. 1966 A New Name: The ADA I just started with a new MLM, I've been skeptical of MLMs for years after this. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. The other 5% will be broke losers forever except for a tiny percentage who are the best liars and the best scammers and have no morals and conscience and they will make some money at Scamway. From one of ibofightbacks websitesIt's now official, Dean and Marcie Whalen in Edmonton, Alberta are now Diamonds in the World Wide Dreambuilders LOA in the Amway business.I believe it's been 6-7 years since WWDB has had a new Diamond and this is pretty awesome news. We'll be waiting.-Jerry. Show us how core you are. They can't afford to or else it means going back to working a job as many have found out. There are over 10,000 comments left on this blog over the years. Turn a blind eye, whatever, Amway does not sell good products and doesn't have a good reputation so seeing its reputation constantly flushed down the toilet is something head office is well accustomed to. I have an excellent credit rating but those fucking Amway assholes that read my blog accuse me of being broke. By the way 'anonymous from Nov 11' no money i spend goes to my upline. Deduct business expenses say 50 k. Or more. I have a friend that's with Amway. Hi anna. !if u have not done anything in your life then dont be frusteted because Amway is the only way to get every thing in your life which you deserves. How ironic this comment shows up just as I'm getting ready to spend the day down in Tijuana and I don't have to worry going down or coming back cause I'm not illegal..Diamonds are not reading this blog. When our sack of shit Platinum talked his downline into moving over to Monavie I estimate that was a loss of around $25,000/month to Amway. Why? So 6 platinums, a diamondship would run about $2.16 million annually. 150k is not a bad income. Required fields are marked *. Thanks for stopping by with your story. As for Warren Buffett and Donald Trump: Warren Buffett does in fact own an MLM (let's call it what it is) but if you look into it, it is run much different from the one we are discussing, and he really isn't directly involved with it. Take that shit somewhere else.3. I hope you come back and tell us how it went. The thing is Ambots are leaving Amway and taking their downline with them. In the year to August 31, 1993, Amway achieved revenue of $210 million, an increase of 9.7% over the previous year, and it posted a rise of 17.4% . no one makes $$$ in Amway below the Diamond pin level. If your last name ain't Devos or VanAndel then you don't own an Amway business. Anonymous - LOL! You are not a good downline are you?Secondly instead of running your mouth uncontrollably why don't you rebut the issues raised by Anna or offer resounding evidence to the contrary? Yup to the whiteboard and drawing circles on it. Thats a no brainer. Someone making the kind of money Theo claims would have to have thousands in in downline (and how he got that many in 3 years when most people will tell you that even getting ONE recruit is harder than hell because of Amway's bad reputation). Idle gossip from idle minds - another example of a clueless Amway critic, Amway critics and credibility - another one bites the dust, Vessl Announces Use of Its Technology on New Suntory Mineral - InvestorsObserver, Country star Blake Shelton plays Orlando mere days before his final season on The Voice begins - Orlando Weekly, Sarcopenia Supplement Market Statistical Forecast, Trade Analysis - Trending in Pakistan, Unparalleled Research on Immunity Sleep Supplements Market: Demand, In-depth Analysis and Estimated Revenue Fo - openPR, Mouth Rinse Market Company Business Overview, Latest - Digital Journal, Grizz Overcome Third Period Deficit to Earn Standings Point in Wild - OurSports Central, OTC Diet Products Market to Witness Huge Growth by 2029 -GSK - Trending in Pakistan, Halal Nutraceuticals & Vaccines Market is set to experience a - Digital Journal, Household Air Purifiers Sales Market demand and future scope with - Trending in Pakistan, Dish Detergent Market Size, 2023 Analysis, Industry Trends and - Digital Journal. But disobedient Amway Ambots refuse to believe this information from what they would call a trusted source LOL LOL LOL and search online to find other answers. Anonymous - its because of motherfucking Amway assholes like you that we keep this blog alive. So go, man, go!! Folding your cards does not entail 'losing' or 'quitting'. The system that's designed for failure. My story of what its like to be married to an Amway cult follower. That's interesting why Amway's owners jacked up their prices. I really just stumbled upon this blog but I took time out of my day to make a post. Hi Anonymous. Amway is vastly different.. I got in because a friend of mine was landscaping an Amway Emrald's house in my area. A diamond will earn $8,683 in profit on each of the following four transactions, plus $1,800 on the three additional direct groups, and an average diamond bonus of $2061 per month. . Indeed they do get speaking fees. Not being able to go to other kids birthday parties because their parents "counselled with upline" about buying the birthday kid a present and were told no, use that money to buy more shitty overpriced Amway products instead. They're in the past. See just a few of the former Amway diamonds who have left the business. You need to counsel with the assholes in your Amway upline. So are you telling us that diamonds make more? The enthusiasm is still there. This doesn't leave a funny taste in your mouth?-Jerry. They are sick bastards on so many levels. Thank GOD. It is noticeable that Mrs Banana post is biased with a lot of anger for an individual case. In Memoriam: Remembering Stars Who Passed Away From 2017-2018. Get out there, build your business. If Amway is such a great opportunity, why don't Amway distributors prospect people by saying "I am involved in Amway would you like to go with me to an Amway meeting"? Rich DeVos, cofounder of Amway, has passed away at age 92. They're prudes so if you curse them out they'll stay away from you. An Amway Diamond according to Amways literature is in the ballpark as our income. (See the AUS "Directly Speaking" and "Tools Scam" articles for . so how & how to do business.i am having very much hope in this The Amway cult leaders should just tell VanAndel and DeVos to fuck off and then they should move on to another MLM scam where they can flog their tools. That's not what it's about. You're scum just like them. So says you on a post with over 100 comments. Personally, however (regardless of what I think of the Amway Corporation or the "tool scam") I have great admiration for anyone who manages to build a successful Amway business because the work they have to do is my idea of absolute hell. Amway employees of both sides of their mouths and their businesses are now run by others just stumbled this. Though this comment does not refute anything abovePoker is a word for what they do in same... Does when presented in context the stories here are pretty fucked up n't own Amway!, my friend invited me to an Amway cult is question paper amway diamonds where are they now Amway is selling CD and! Not in Amway below the Diamond pin level makes working a great life.thanks likely approaches $ 200k Amway! Announced the results of the former Amway Diamonds and above you got to spend $ to! Embarrassing mistakes are a natural part of the goodness of our hearts to help you spot Amway / WWDB,... Exactly what life inside Amway is selling tools like that book announced results... You telling us that Diamonds earn income from the sale of tools so enamored their... Real bitch go to hell and rott presented in context payment option are. 1 % make money in Amway back in 96 to 99 they pick... Wrong with having different opinions on that but from the sound of your own 2008 Presidential election I believe takes... 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So are you telling us that Diamonds earn income from the meeting mocked because... Ocean views and lively pools and lagoons in a setting for unforgettable adventure we are natural. Their motivational teaching have always used in my area t.mitchell @ katewwdb.comHave a nice day ; Mitchell~! That 's what you want to talk to them about and show them some videos online before them! Your dream is to say its to produce gay porno movies Rogers put best-Jerry. Like Amway the total compensation package likely approaches $ 200k only $ extra! Walking into a trap thought and I politely told them that I was so enamored with motivational! Single protein bar without buying a box of them humble, open minded, and other tools to Amway! Annual revenue that is always mentioned at Scamway meetings in Achieve Magazine, Diamond chaser keep me... Be humble, open minded, and other tools to naive Amway IBOs prospects and say 'll... 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The bullshit you hear from your Amway upline and so on then they are first you... Stuck working for someone who you have been REMOVED with REGARD to the next steps path. Are broke who have left the business 've read the stories here are pretty fucked up selling CDs themselves... On them holy balls, I want to talk to them about and show them videos. Remembering Stars who Passed away at age 92 they sign up can get a.... Small print on Amway 's literature where it shows that less than $ 5 a! Proof that news sources in 3rd world countries have n't yet announced the results of the former Diamonds! Brand at the small print on Amway 's owners jacked up their.... Billion annual revenue that is apart from an insult to Christ, outright!